#548cabonzheng16 May 2019 China我就是做无线电广播设备维护的,如果你对无线电感兴趣,可以交流。 另外,我的专业是材料成型及控制工程,就是机械设计的,如何加强相关性 回复
#568mymytouL116 May 2019 New Zealand恭喜楼主上岸,速度确实很快! 过来沾沾楼主的福气~ 另外 自己刚刚下ITA,因为claim了国内工作经验加分,对于证明材料 想请教下楼主: 1.在职证明及工作内容描述2.医疗和养老保险的详细缴费3.税务局的个税缴税记录4.劳动合同5.银行工资流水 对于3,个税缴税记录是怎么办的? 需要通过单位办还是个人就能办理? 对于5, 在楼主文章里没看到提及 不知道是否有提供?对于有超过两年的记录,银行不知道是否能打印 另外,能否麻烦楼主,发份工作经验证明模板?邮箱: civil_seuwj@hotmail.com 祝 工作顺利,身体健康~ 回复
#7diegeL617 May 2019 ChinaJack liu博客里的“有问必答”非常好,有些问题也是自己关心的,但都设置了保护,打不开,有什么方法可以看到里面的内容?
2楼Jack LiuL9(20 May 2019, Intranet)有问必答里面有些是发贴提问的时候勾选了隐私保护,选择不公开提问,这通常是因为里面涉及了一些个人隐私信息,发贴的人不希望自己的私人信息被公开浏览。一般来说,对于那些关注度高的热门提问,我会通过写博文的方式整理发布出来供大家查阅;另外,有不少贴子的问题其实是比较相近的,仔细找找就能从其他人的公开贴里找到有用的参考信息。@TA
#7diegeL604 Jun 2019 ChinaDocuments required for an International Qualification Assessment (IQA) Discription of required documents Evidence of apprenticeship or trade experience: If you completed a formal apprenticeship, send QRS the contract of apprenticeship. This would have been issued to you by your employer, and will include the dates you started and completed the apprenticeship. QRS cannot assess stand-alone work experience and/or competency-based certificates. Depending on the pathway of the trade qualification, NZQA may not be the appropriate body to assess your skill set, abilities and/or competency in a specific area of trade. Evidence of underpinning qualifications: If you nominate a qualification for assessment that is at a higher level than a bachelor's degree but not the qualifications that underpin it, we need to see the educational pathway that allowed entry to that higher-level programme. For example, if you wish to have a master's degree evaluated, but not your bachelor's degree, we need information about the bachelor's degree. You can do this by uploading scanned copies of that qualification certificate as part of your online application. 有中文版或中文的准确翻译吗?
2楼jerodli(04 Jun 2019, China)Skip, 工作经验填写相关介绍, 但不用写, 因为NZQA里写了也没用, 最后如需要工作经验加分还是要EOI case by case check.@TA
#582joyce_jianL306 Jun 2019 China请问NZQA的第三方授权书签名使用中文还是英文?日期年在前还是日在前?谢谢 回复
#7dfyycl11 Jun 2019 China1. 学历认证相关的问题: 我的本科、硕士都是在英国念的。其中硕士所读院校及证书是在官方LQEA豁免名单内的。那么我以下理解对吗? a. 我是不需要做IQA的 b. 在EOI入选之后,为获得申请的70积分,我需要提供各类学历学位原件证明这段话“Note: If your qualification is on the LQEA all the requirements of the list must be met including the name of the qualification, the awarding institution, and the date it was awarded.” c. 其中LQEA中说明的“the qualification was awarded from or within the year range listed in the right-hand column in the Awarding Institutions Table”中“from”是指毕业年份在此年之后都可以,而不是必须这一年
2. 工作经验认证相关问题: 我没有新西兰工作经验,过往10年都是在国内做IT管理工作,所以我填写的工作经验都是针对”ICT-Project Manager“这个LTSSL类别的。在EOI入选之后,为获得申请的45积分,我需要证明这段话“NOTE: Your work experience must meet the specific requirements set out for that occupation in the Long Term Skill Shortage List.”。但是这个如何证明?是否需要做ITPNZ?
2楼alewaterL2(12 Jun 2019, Hongkong)IT做ITP就可以了,另外如果本科专业是和你的职业强相关的,还是做个IQA,这样可以做skilled shortage的匹配,如果匹配上了,就不用做ITP了。@TA
3楼dfyycl(12 Jun 2019, China)@alewater: 我本科是电子工程,硕士是通讯工程,职业是IT类项目管理,貌似都不是强相关。这个情况是一定要做ITP吧?@TA
4楼alewaterL2(12 Jun 2019, Hongkong)@alewater: 去官网找LTSSL的原文,里面对于职业的相关专业都有list@TA
另外,我的专业是材料成型及控制工程,就是机械设计的,如何加强相关性 回复
另外 自己刚刚下ITA,因为claim了国内工作经验加分,对于证明材料 想请教下楼主:
对于3,个税缴税记录是怎么办的? 需要通过单位办还是个人就能办理?
对于5, 在楼主文章里没看到提及 不知道是否有提供?对于有超过两年的记录,银行不知道是否能打印
另外,能否麻烦楼主,发份工作经验证明模板?邮箱: civil_seuwj@hotmail.com
祝 工作顺利,身体健康~ 回复
我微信:smlie7383 回复
Discription of required documents
Evidence of apprenticeship or trade experience:
If you completed a formal apprenticeship, send QRS the contract of apprenticeship. This would have been issued to you by your employer, and will include the dates you started and completed the apprenticeship.
QRS cannot assess stand-alone work experience and/or competency-based certificates. Depending on the pathway of the trade qualification, NZQA may not be the appropriate body to assess your skill set, abilities and/or competency in a specific area of trade.
Evidence of underpinning qualifications: If you nominate a qualification for assessment that is at a higher level than a bachelor's degree but not the qualifications that underpin it, we need to see the educational pathway that allowed entry to that higher-level programme. For example, if you wish to have a master's degree evaluated, but not your bachelor's degree, we need information about the bachelor's degree. You can do this by uploading scanned copies of that qualification certificate as part of your online application.
有中文版或中文的准确翻译吗? 回复
谢谢 回复
a. 我是不需要做IQA的
b. 在EOI入选之后,为获得申请的70积分,我需要提供各类学历学位原件证明这段话“Note: If your qualification is on the LQEA all the requirements of the list must be met including the name of the qualification, the awarding institution, and the date it was awarded.”
c. 其中LQEA中说明的“the qualification was awarded from or within the year range listed in the right-hand column in the Awarding Institutions Table”中“from”是指毕业年份在此年之后都可以,而不是必须这一年
2. 工作经验认证相关问题:
我没有新西兰工作经验,过往10年都是在国内做IT管理工作,所以我填写的工作经验都是针对”ICT-Project Manager“这个LTSSL类别的。在EOI入选之后,为获得申请的45积分,我需要证明这段话“NOTE: Your work experience must meet the specific requirements set out for that occupation in the Long Term Skill Shortage List.”。但是这个如何证明?是否需要做ITPNZ? 回复
Min608@hotmail.com 回复
请问是126.com邮箱不能向外发送附件吗?还是需要V P N? 回复
想请教一下工作经历证明? 正在找工作,拿到offer后申请签证很可能需要,所以想提前准备。
麻烦楼主发一下工作证明模板可好?c.jttby@gmail.com 感激! 回复